Brewster Player Stats

Min IP:

Fielding, all positions, San Fernando, 2059 season (Qualified)
# Name AGE Pos Team GS IP TC   PO A E DP TP F% ZR
1 Sonny Bigalow 27 CF SFB 11 92.0 23 21 0 2 0 0 0.9130 -0.680
2 Roberto Delgado 22 LF SFB 10 88.0 26 26 0 0 0 0 1.0000 2.261
3 Roberto Rivera 35 3B SFB 11 97.0 29 8 20 1 3 0 0.9655 0.363
4 Michael Schultz 25 1B SFB 10 85.0 85 80 5 0 8 0 1.0000 0.282
Note 1: Qualified = 10 games per season at position
Note 2: RF = Range Factor, # of plays per 9 innings played
Note 3: EFF = Player Defensive Efficiency. 1.10 = 10% more plays made than average, 0.90 is 10% less than average. Rate version of ZR. OOTP-only stat.