Cody Kukuk
Cody Kukuk
April 10, 1993 (178 y, 5 m, 26 d)
Free Agent
ML Service Time:
Player Awards
Award Date Team
All-Star 2019 Boston (ML)
2018 Boston (ML)
Pitcher of the Month Jun 2027 Tampa Bay (ML)
Sep 2024 Kansas City (ML)
May 2019 Boston (ML)
Hall of Fame Metrics
Metric Score
Black Ink0
Grey Ink117
Similar Players (SP)
Note: See Baseball Reference formula (primary position)
Leaderboard Appearances
Year GS Rank
2021 35 6
2022 34 3
2023 34 4
2024 34 2
2025 35 3
2028 34 5
Year W Rank
2019 15 6
2024 17 6
2027 15 7
Year L Rank
2022 15 4
2025 16 2
2028 19 2
2029 13 9
Year Win % Rank
2020 0.609 10
2027 0.682 7
Year IP Rank
2019 221.2 9
2022 215.1 7
2023 221.1 10
2024 224.0 8
2025 220.1 10
2027 238.0 3
2028 231.2 5
Year BF Rank
2020 931 7
2021 917 9
2022 946 2
2023 929 6
2024 961 5
2025 937 6
2027 965 4
2028 961 5
Year HR Rank
2018 26 7
2019 29 6
2022 32 6
2023 32 5
2024 32 3
2025 28 8
2027 29 10
2028 31 9
2029 26 10
Year BB Rank
2022 78 7
Year K Rank
2018 177 10
2019 191 8
2020 204 3
2021 207 4
2022 205 3
2023 202 4
2024 221 5
2025 210 3
2027 230 5
2028 220 8
Year WP Rank
2019 10 8
2020 10 6
2021 10 7
2027 10 9
Year ERA Rank
2027 3.441 10
Year BABIP Rank
2018 0.259 4
2019 0.271 7
Year WHIP Rank
2018 1.097 2
2019 1.200 10
2027 1.185 7
Year H/9 Rank
2018 7.565 5
Year BB/9 Rank
2018 2.304 10
2029 2.114 10
Year CG Rank
2017 3 5
2018 3 6
2019 2 9
2020 2 8
2023 3 4
2024 3 5
2025 2 9
2027 4 2
2028 3 4
Year SHO Rank
2018 3 2
2020 1 4
2023 1 4
2025 2 2
2027 1 3
2029 1 3
Year BB (Low) Rank
2029 44 7
Year Hits Rank
2020 230 3
2021 224 8
2022 230 3
2023 224 4
2024 230 5
2025 220 9
2027 227 8
2028 228 6
Year Hits (Low) Rank
2017 168 6
2018 174 6
Year WAR Rank
2020 5.1 6
2021 4.5 8
2027 4.6 9
Year W (Low) Rank
2017 9 9
2025 10 10
Year L (Low) Rank
2018 7 3
2019 10 10
2027 7 6