League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
SL1 | SL2 : Stats & Leaders - Batting Register - Pitching Register - Fielding Register - Positional Leaderboards
Rookies - Drafted Players - Transactions Log - Injury Log
Team W L WPct GB R RA
Honiara Islanders 20 20 .500 - 129 127
Brisbane Beacons 18 22 .450 2 177 158
Koror Checkers 15 25 .375 5 133 178
Tonga Killers 14 26 .350 6 115 165
Team W L WPct GB R RA
Perth Galaxy 27 13 .675 - 162 139
Pago Pago Chiefs 23 17 .575 4 155 125
Guam Emperors 22 18 .550 5 142 104
Wellington Water Wolves 21 19 .525 6 160 177
Round 1 Auckland over Port Moresby, 4-3
Round 1 Melbourne over Suva, 4-3
Round 1 Perth over Guam, 4-2
Round 1 Pago Pago over Honiara, 4-0
Round 2 Auckland over Melbourne, 4-0
Round 2 Perth over Pago Pago, 4-3
Round 3 Auckland over Perth, 4-2
Brisbane Beacons 4.4 177 40 1329 287 49 4 38 207 525 45 .216 .328 .345 .672
Perth Galaxy 4.0 162 40 1274 266 47 4 42 184 477 23 .209 .318 .351 .669
Wellington Water Wolves 4.0 160 40 1341 303 45 5 50 209 518 14 .226 .335 .379 .714
Pago Pago Chiefs 3.9 155 40 1250 243 35 1 53 216 529 27 .194 .324 .351 .675
Guam Emperors 3.5 142 40 1227 229 27 3 45 203 461 37 .187 .311 .324 .634
Koror Checkers 3.3 133 40 1300 243 43 3 34 168 559 9 .187 .285 .303 .588
Honiara Islanders 3.2 129 40 1286 236 30 1 41 186 541 19 .184 .297 .304 .601
Tonga Killers 2.9 115 40 1274 240 32 1 37 177 522 15 .188 .297 .302 .600
TOTALS 3.7 1173 320 10281 2047 308 22 340 1550 4132 189 .199 .312 .333 .645
AVERAGE   147 40 1285 256 39 3 43 194 517 24        
Guam Emperors 2.6 104 40 0 9 15 2.59 354.1 213 33 160 535 1.05 .173 .268
Pago Pago Chiefs 3.1 125 40 1 5 13 3.05 354.1 246 39 172 507 1.18 .193 .284
Honiara Islanders 3.2 127 40 0 8 14 2.99 361.2 240 30 163 521 1.11 .188 .286
Perth Galaxy 3.5 139 40 0 9 19 3.32 357.1 242 40 211 515 1.27 .191 .281
Brisbane Beacons 4.0 158 40 0 4 9 3.83 360.0 268 46 198 501 1.29 .208 .298
Tonga Killers 4.1 165 40 0 1 9 3.94 356.2 285 42 218 541 1.41 .217 .331
Wellington Water Wolves 4.4 177 40 0 4 14 4.21 363.2 282 48 206 502 1.34 .213 .300
Koror Checkers 4.5 178 40 0 3 6 4.33 360.0 271 62 222 510 1.37 .208 .281
TOTALS 3.7 1173 320 1 43 99 3.53 2868.0 2047 340 1550 4132 1.25 .199 .291
AVERAGE   147 40 0 5 12   359 256 43 194 517      
Team ExpW ExpL Diff AS aAS BAW PAW RAW FAW Attendance Payroll Balance
Koror Checkers 15 25 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 3,726 $0 $0
Pago Pago Chiefs 24 16 -1 2 8 0 0 0 0 5,324 $0 $0
Honiara Islanders 20 20 0 2 4 0 0 0 0 5,125 $0 $0
Perth Galaxy 23 17 4 5 6 0 0 0 0 5,051 $0 $0
Brisbane Beacons 22 18 -4 3 5 0 0 0 0 4,086 $0 $0
Tonga Killers 14 26 0 3 7 0 0 0 0 3,198 $0 $0
Wellington Water Wolves 18 22 3 4 6 0 0 0 0 3,657 $0 $0
Guam Emperors 26 14 -4 4 6 0 0 0 0 3,646 $0 $0
League Batting Leaderboards
Batting AVG
H. Semenya WEL .390
W. Weber HOI .377
P. García WEL .374
J. Ackerman PGO .299
R. Rodríguez GUA .298
On-Base PCT
J. Ackerman PGO .518
H. Semenya WEL .509
P. García WEL .487
W. Weber HOI .457
R. Rodríguez GUA .444
Slugging PCT
H. Semenya WEL .660
J. Ackerman PGO .641
W. Weber HOI .631
P. García WEL .569
P. Bonaddio PER .534
On-Base + Slugging
H. Semenya WEL 1.168
J. Ackerman PGO 1.159
W. Weber HOI 1.088
P. García WEL 1.056
R. Rodríguez GUA .944
H. Semenya WEL 258
J. Ackerman PGO 254
W. Weber HOI 239
P. García WEL 227
R. Rodríguez GUA 199
H. Semenya WEL 3.8
W. Weber HOI 3.1
J. Ackerman PGO 2.9
P. García WEL 2.8
R. Rodríguez GUA 2.1
Runs Created / 27 outs
J. Ackerman PGO 14.1
H. Semenya WEL 13.6
W. Weber HOI 12.6
P. García WEL 12.2
R. Rodríguez GUA 7.8
Isolated Power
J. Ackerman PGO .342
J. Mekville WEL .272
H. Semenya WEL .270
W. Vera PGO .256
W. Weber HOI .254
J. Ackerman PGO 40
P. Anoi PGO 40
P. Bonaddio PER 40
N. Campbell BRS 40
T. Chang WEL 40
T. Chang WEL 142
H. Semenya WEL 141
G. Somerville BRS 134
P. Bonaddio PER 131
A. Wikoli PGO 130
H. Semenya WEL 32
J. Ackerman PGO 31
G. Somerville BRS 24
T. Chang WEL 22
B. Ford GUA 21
H. Semenya WEL 55
P. García WEL 46
W. Weber HOI 46
P. Bonaddio PER 39
V. Scott PER 36
Total Bases
H. Semenya WEL 93
W. Weber HOI 77
J. Ackerman PGO 75
P. Bonaddio PER 70
P. García WEL 70
H. Semenya WEL 35
P. García WEL 33
W. Weber HOI 30
V. Scott PER 27
P. Bonaddio PER 23
H. Semenya WEL 10
P. Bonaddio PER 8
W. Weber HOI 8
J. Ackerman PGO 7
T. Chang WEL 7
H. Semenya WEL 2
P. Avery WEL 1
P. Bonaddio PER 1
G. Burston GUA 1
P. García WEL 1
Home Runs
J. Ackerman PGO 11
W. Vera PGO 9
J. Mekville WEL 8
H. Semenya WEL 8
A. Wikoli PGO 8
Runs Batted In
J. Ackerman PGO 30
W. Vera PGO 27
P. García WEL 26
A. Kelemenete KOR 26
J. Mekville WEL 24
Stolen Bases
G. Somerville BRS 12
B. Ford GUA 8
W. Vera PGO 7
M. Baker PER 5
P. Bonaddio PER 5
Bases On Balls
J. Ackerman PGO 42
H. Semenya WEL 32
A. Wikoli PGO 26
P. García WEL 25
W. Vera PGO 25
Intentional Walks
E. Ahotaein HOI 2
J. Ackerman PGO 1
P. Avery WEL 1
B. Ford GUA 1
P. García WEL 1
J. Ackerman PGO 11
V. Kalani HOI 6
T. Chang WEL 4
R. Rodríguez GUA 4
W. Voigt PER 4
A. Wikoli PGO 71
G. Somerville BRS 66
P. Avery WEL 65
A. Demertzis KOR 64
S. Manilla TNG 62
Sacrifice Hits
T. Whiffin PER 3
J. Moser GUA 2
L. Hoalohalani PGO 1
K. Tueti WEL 1
J. Youngberry PER 1
Sacrifice Flies
M. Peleki KOR 3
J. Birkbeck WEL 2
N. Campbell BRS 2
W. Vera PGO 2
P. Anoi PGO 1
League Pitching Leaderboards
Z. Condulmaro PGO 0.39
J. Sang PER 0.50
R. Wadi HOI 0.89
A. Harwood PGO 0.91
J. Bisdu PGO 0.96
Z. Condulmaro PGO 5
O. Durán HOI 5
A. Akama PER 4
J. Beggs PER 4
J. Bisdu PGO 4
B. Main PER 5
E. Padilla GUA 5
K. Kipiliano KOR 4
T. Nguyen-Khoa HOI 4
S. Pancefoot KOR 4
Winning PCT
Z. Condulmaro PGO 1.000
A. Harwood PGO 1.000
J. Sang PER 1.000
J. Arnold GUA .750
R. Wadi HOI .750
N. Mu'ayyad PER 16
D. Morales GUA 11
S. Molia PGO 10
L. Kealoha TNG 9
E. Barclay BRS 5
Games Pitched
K. Hali PGO 21
R. Babka TNG 20
M. Gilbert WEL 20
J. Beggs PER 19
N. Mu'ayyad PER 19
Games Started
Z. Condulmaro PGO 9
J. Bisdu PGO 8
A. Harwood PGO 8
G. Pickersgill BRS 8
R. Wadi HOI 8
Complete Games
E. Aderiela TNG 0
A. Akama PER 0
D. Akwetee BRS 0
M. Allora KOR 0
J. Arnold GUA 0
E. Aderiela TNG 0
A. Akama PER 0
D. Akwetee BRS 0
M. Allora KOR 0
J. Arnold GUA 0
Innings Pitched
J. Bisdu PGO 47.0
Z. Condulmaro PGO 46.1
G. Pickersgill BRS 42.0
R. Wadi HOI 40.1
A. Znovenko PER 40.1
Hits Allowed
A. Znovenko PER 31
E. Padilla GUA 29
A. Harwood PGO 28
K. Henare KOR 27
B. Main PER 27
Home Runs Allowed
B. Main PER 10
K. Hali PGO 9
F. Stawell KOR 8
S. Augutino TNG 7
M. Gilbert WEL 7
Walks Allowed
F. Stawell KOR 28
J. Santos PER 26
J. Danvers PER 25
H. Pérez TNG 25
M. Gilbert WEL 23
Walks per 9 IP
A. Harwood PGO 0.9
G. Pickersgill BRS 1.7
Z. Condulmaro PGO 2.1
D. Paull PGO 2.5
J. Sang PER 2.8
Z. Condulmaro PGO 74
J. Bisdu PGO 67
A. Harwood PGO 65
P. García WEL 64
G. Pickersgill BRS 63
Strikeouts per 9 IP
P. García WEL 17.5
J. Sang PER 15.1
C. Álvarez KOR 15.0
A. Harwood PGO 14.7
Z. Condulmaro PGO 14.4
A. Harwood PGO 16.2
G. Pickersgill BRS 7.9
Z. Condulmaro PGO 6.7
J. Sang PER 5.5
P. García WEL 4.9
Z. Condulmaro PGO 0.73
J. Sang PER 0.79
A. Harwood PGO 0.81
J. Bisdu PGO 0.81
G. Pickersgill BRS 0.81
Hits per 9 IP
J. Bisdu PGO 4.2
J. Sang PER 4.3
Z. Condulmaro PGO 4.5
R. Wadi HOI 4.9
P. García WEL 5.5
Opponents AVG
J. Bisdu PGO .140
J. Sang PER .143
Z. Condulmaro PGO .145
R. Wadi HOI .161
P. García WEL .172
Opponents OBP
Z. Condulmaro PGO .199
G. Pickersgill BRS .218
A. Harwood PGO .220
J. Bisdu PGO .224
J. Sang PER .227
Opponents SLG
Z. Condulmaro PGO .176
J. Bisdu PGO .185
J. Sang PER .185
R. Wadi HOI .204
P. García WEL .224
Opponents OPS
Z. Condulmaro PGO .375
J. Bisdu PGO .409
J. Sang PER .412
R. Wadi HOI .448
G. Pickersgill BRS .470
J. Bisdu PGO .236
J. Arnold GUA .243
D. Paull PGO .256
Z. Condulmaro PGO .259
R. Wadi HOI .263
Z. Condulmaro PGO 2.5
G. Pickersgill BRS 2.0
J. Bisdu PGO 2.0
A. Harwood PGO 2.0
J. Sang PER 1.8
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