rder">14 4.55 .294 .364 .429 .793
Pitching Leaderboards     Help
Top 10 finishes. Stats are Year-Rank-Value. League leaders are in bold.
Season Rankings are League Based.
Games Pitched
   Black Ink Test: 0    (Avg Pitcher in HOF ~ 38)
   Gray Ink Test: 1    (Avg Pitcher in HOF ~ 149)
Similar Pitchers     What are Similarity Scores?

  1. Dick Spivey (952)
  2. Will Gagus (951)
  3. Luke Oughtwright (950)
  4. Norman Fordham (945)
  5. Oswaldo Quinto (941)
  6. Alejandro Lazpita (940)
  7. Edward Knight (938)
  8. Todd Hoyt (937)
  9. Robert Alonzo (934)
  10. Joe Matson (932)
Drafted in 1st round, 15th overall pick, by Honolulu in 1977
Injured on 7/29/1977 with a Bone Chips Elbow, out for 7 weeks
Injured on 6/20/1978 with a Bone Chips Elbow, out for 4 weeks
Injured on 5/26/1979 with a Stiff Shoulder, out for one week
Injured on 6/8/1979 with a Sore Shoulder, out for 4 days
Had first career hit on 4/9/1980, off Paul Millbauer (CAL)
Earned first career win on 4/20/1980
Traded from Honolulu to Baltimore on 4/1/1981 (Going to BAL: P Danny Ramirez. Going to HON: P Frankie Holmes)
Won Landis Memorial Series with Baltimore in 1985
1/31/1986: Gets a new one-year contract worth $398,571 through salary arbitration
Signed as a free agent by Phoenix on 2/1/1987 to a 3-year deal worth $1,200,000 per year
Released by Phoenix on 7/11/1988
Signed as a free agent by Omaha on 2/11/1989 to a 2-year deal worth $500,000 per year